Inner Thigh Chafing and Prevention

Inner Thigh Chafing and Prevention

Posted by Jack Miller on 24th Sep 2019

Do you often see your skin turning red and inflamed even with a slight bit of activity? Does even a little bit of walking on a warm day make your thighs sweaty or inflamed? Do you feel your inner thigh skin is burning or stinging every time you wear your reliable pair of shorts or favourite dress?

These are sure shot signs that you are suffering from inner thigh chafing and are common signs of inner thigh chafing for males and females. All these signs indicate that your skin is experiencing a lot of friction and as a result, your epidermis is suffering degenerative effects, and you are going to develop a rash. In more serious cases, you will also experience swelling, blistering, crusting and bleeding of the inner thigh area, if you continue your activity.

So basically, chafing is a very common skin issue experienced by all of us. Thigh chafing happens when the skin is continuously scratched due to skin on skin contact or from fabric on skin contact . Excessive friction and too much moisture can cause your skin to breakdown, sting and burn.

Chafing mostly occurs with:

  • Skin rubbing against itself repetitively
  • Skin rubbing against clothing
  • Non-breathable clothing and wet clothing
  • Ill-fitted clothing, either too tight or loose
  • Endurance sports like running and cycling
  • Intense exercise at the gym and playing sports
  • Obesity and extra skin folds
  • Fluctuating weight cause loose skin
  • Inactivity and sedentary lifestyles

Though chafing is a very common ailment, it is very difficult to treat medical issue effectively. There are many chafing remedies for men and women, but not all of them work. So, the best way to safeguard yourself is prevention against chafe. Here are a few tips that can help you stay safe from chafe:

Follow this regime so you can have No More Chafe

- Always clean the chafed area gently with water and mild soap, after that dry your skin completely, be sure to pat it down in a gentle way.

- After cleaning the affected area, lubricate your skin with a perfume-free, non-chemical product that repairs the skin, the more natural the better. Always stay away from fragrant and cosmetic products that have chemicals in them. It's best to use these creams at night time, before going to bed.

- The most important step of all is to wear a good quality pair of thigh bands to protect your skin entirely, and then you can wear your regular clothing on top.

Why are Thigh Guards so important?

Thigh Guards create a physical barrier that does not let the skin on your thighs rub against each other. If the skin on your thighs don't come into contact with each other, then there is no chance that they can ever develop chafe.  These specially designed Thigh Guards give you the freedom to perform any kind of movements and action, because they are designed to stay up in every circumstance. Good quality Thigh Guards stay in their place and keep protecting you for as long as you want.  All you have to do is go on with you day.