

Will Chafing Go Away By Itself?

Will Chafing Go Away By Itself?

Posted by Jack Miller on 14th Nov 2022

Caused by friction on the skin, chafing can be highly uncomfortable and even prevent you from doing the things you love. Whether it is as a result of hot weather or taking part in sports and exercise, … read more
What's It Like to Chafe as a Postman?

What's It Like to Chafe as a Postman?

Posted by Jack Miller on 3rd Oct 2022

Delivering the mail is a tough job, particularly in our challenging climate. Repeated movement in the heat can cause various problems for posties, of which chafing is an especially unwelcome one. Take … read more
How To Stop Chafing at the Beach

How To Stop Chafing at the Beach

Posted by Jack Miller on 29th Aug 2022

If you’re on holiday or going to hang out at the beach, the last thing you want is to end up in pain after a fun day out. Enjoying the sea and sand can easily lead to chafing and while it’s a common p … read more
How To Treat Severe Chafing

How To Treat Severe Chafing

Posted by Jack Miller on 15th Aug 2022

All of us have, at some point in our lives, experienced chafing. Chafe is an uncomfortable problem that can cause rashes, blistering or bleeding, and arises when skin repeatedly rubs togethe … read more
How To Stop Thigh Chafing Pain

How To Stop Thigh Chafing Pain

Posted by Jack Miller on 30th May 2022

Anyone who has experienced the pain of chafing knows just how excruciating it can be. It is often made even more painful due to the fact that chafing does not relent until you stop the movement t … read more