Will Chafing Go Away By Itself?

Will Chafing Go Away By Itself?

Posted by Jack Miller on 14th Nov 2022

Caused by friction on the skin, chafing can be highly uncomfortable and even prevent you from doing the things you love. Whether it is as a result of hot weather or taking part in sports and exercise, chafed skin can leave you searching for a remedy that will deliver quick results. But does chafing clear up itself when left alone? Find out in this blog.

Does chafing go away by itself?

Whilst a chafing rash will eventually clear up by itself, there are things you can do to expedite the healing process. Clean the area using a gentle soap and water, and wear loose clothing to prevent further chafing.

If you have an open wound as a result of chafing, you should consult your doctor to reduce the risk of infection.

Here are three ways to treat chafing at home:

1. Clean the affected area

Clean the affected area with soap and water. Make sure you're using a mild soap that won't irritate your skin. It's best to dry the area thoroughly before dressing. Use a clean towel to pat it dry instead of rubbing it vigorously as that could cause further irritation.

Apply antiperspirant or deodorant over the affected area several times throughout the day. Apply petroleum jelly or another lubricating product onto your skin before putting on tight clothing or athletic gear, as this can help prevent further friction.

2. Use a gentle moisturiser

If you start to chafe, the best way to treat it at home is to clean the affected area and apply a gentle moisturiser. You can also try applying petroleum jelly after showering to help the rash.

A moisturiser can significantly reduce chafing rash. Try applying a thick layer of moisturiser like shea butter to the affected areas. Corticosteroid creams, like Hydrocortisone, can help reduce inflammation and itchiness should the area become infected.

3. Wear thigh guards

Thigh guards are an excellent way to prevent chafing. They cover the skin between your legs and keep it from rubbing against clothing or equipment. Wear thigh guards under your regular clothes and they will give the best anti chafing protection.

Thigh guards are inexpensive, easy to wash and dry, and come in all different styles, so you can find one that fits your needs perfectly.

If none of these methods works for you and your situation is more severe than mild irritation (e.g., blisters or redness around the area), talk with your doctor about potential treatments. For example, if there are any open wounds from scratching at the skin too much due to being itchy or tenderness caused by friction from tight clothing, you may want to seek medical advice.

If you've got any questions, feel free to ask us! And remember that if the chafing doesn't go away, you should see your doctor or dermatologist.