Why Is My Butt Chafing?

Why Is My Butt Chafing?

Posted by Jack Miller on 2nd May 2022

Are you suffering from butt chafing? You're not alone! As we spend more time outdoors in the warm weather, it's not surprising we'll experience an increase in heat-related issues. We often hear about flu and the common cold, but another relatively common ailment that can affect any age group is "chafing". Read on to learn what causes butt chafing.

What is chafing?

Butt chafing occurs when the skin in your buttocks rubs against itself or its surrounding clothing, causing friction. It's often most noticeable when you're exercising or moving frequently, as this rubbing causes a burning sensation that can be uncomfortable and painful.


Everyone knows that sweat and butt chafing go hand in hand. But what's the science behind this unfortunate combination? Does sweat cause butt chafing, or is it just a coincidence that they usually happen at the same time?

When you begin to sweat, your body is trying to cool down by releasing water from your skin. If you're wearing ill-fitting clothes, like jogger shorts without a proper lining to prevent chafing, you could be setting yourself up for a disaster.

The moisture from the sweat begins to soften your skin and if you're moving around a lot—say, you're out running—you're going to rub the sensitive skin from one part of your bottom against another part of your bottom.

The result? Butt chafing.

Finding workout clothes; like anti chafing shorts that fit properly and are made with materials designed to prevent chafing can help. You can also try applying a barrier cream before working out.

Rubbing in your clothing or between skin folds

Chafing happens when two surfaces rub together.

Clothing, skin folds, and even body hair are common causes of chafing, but those aren't the only culprits. The friction that is the result of two moving surfaces rubbing against one another is what actually causes the chafing.


It turns out that dry skin is way more likely to get inflamed than well-moisturised skin. That's because healthy skin has a layer of natural oils that protects it from damage like friction or abrasion.

When you don't have enough moisture in your skin—either from dehydration or not applying enough moisturiser—that protective layer isn't as strong as it could be. So, when friction causes tiny tears in the top layers of your dermis, those tears are more likely to get infected by bacteria. This infection can cause pain and discomfort, and it takes longer to heal than microtears.

The underwear you wear

The type of underwear you choose can either exacerbate or reduce chafing rash and other unpleasant symptoms caused by friction and heat.

Cotton, for example, is a great material to get used to because it allows for good airflow and prevents sweat from accumulating. It also dries quickly and is extremely durable.

Alternatively, those who suffer from chafing should avoid spandex underwear at all costs. Spandex has no airflow and doesn't allow the skin to breathe easily.

For more information about chafing and how to prevent it, contact us at No More Chafe today.